Page 59 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 59

Article 32

           Serving the public
           1. Companies and establishments involved in the sale of products and rendering services which carry out their
           activity in Catalonia shall be in a position to be able to serve consumers when they express themselves in either of
           the official languages in Catalonia.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall promote, by means of suitable measures, an increased use of Catalan
           within the activities referred to in para 1.

           3. Permanent signs and posters with general information and documents offering services provided to users and
           consumers in establishments open to the public shall be at least drawn up in Catalan. This regulation is not
           applicable to trademarks, commercial names or to signs protected by industrial property legislation.

           Article 33

           Contracted or subsidised companies
           Companies which have entered into a contract or a collaboration agreement with the Generalitat or with the local
           authorities of Catalonia, or are beneficiaries of aid or subsidies from them, shall use at least Catalan in their signs,
           announcements and documents addressed to the public, at least when the latter are linked to the object of the aid
           or agreement.

           Article 34

           Information to users and consumers
           1. Information stated on labels, wrapping and instruction manuals for products distributed in Catalonia may be in
           Catalan, Castilian or in any other language of the European Union.
           2. The compulsory data and voluntary additional information stated on the labels of Catalan products which benefit
           from certification of origin, territorial certification and certification of quality as well as craft products distributed
           within the territorial area of Catalonia shall be of necessity at least in Catalan.

           3. The government of the Generalitat shall rule on information to consumers and users in certain sectors by
           regulations, and the labels and instruction manuals of industrial and commercial products distributed within the
           territorial area of Catalonia, especially packed food stuffs, dangerous and poisonous products as well as tobacco
           products, in order to ensure a progressive increase of the presence of Catalan, in accordance with the principles of
           this Act, European Union rules and other legal ordinances.

           Article 35

           1. Institutional advertising by the Generalitat and local authorities, their public companies and licensees and other
           Catalan institutions and corporations of public law, carried out within the territorial area of Catalonia, shall
           generally use Catalan.

           2. The government of the Generalitat and local authorities shall favour, encourage and promote the use of Catalan
           in advertising with appropriate measures, especially in public thoroughfares, so that it becomes the language of
           normal use in the sector.

           Article 36

           Professional and labour activities
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