Page 60 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 60

1. The government of the Generalitat and professional federations shall promote the use of Catalan in their
           professional activities.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall encourage and promote the use of Catalan in work centres, in labour
           relationships and in collective bargaining agreements, in company agreements and in labour contracts and it shall
           directly promote the participation of the unions and business organisations in order to achieve this aim.
           3. Collective bargaining agreements and company agreements may contain linguistic clauses designed to promote
           knowledge of Catalan among employees and to guarantee its use in work centres and in labour contracts, wage
           slips and all other documents. The government of the Generalitat shall encourage the inclusion of such clauses in
           collective bargaining agreements.

           4. Permanent signs and information containing text for people who are employed in work centres, and whose
           installation inside such centres is mandatory, shall at least be in Catalan.

           Chapter VI. Institutional Stimulus
           Article 37

           Promotional measures

           1. The government of the Generalitat shall favour, encourage and promote the use of Catalan in labour,
           professional, commercial, advertising, cultural, social, sports, leisure and other kinds of activities.

           2. The government of the Generalitat and the local authorities in their respective fields of responsibility shall
           promote the public image and use of Catalan and may provide tax allowances and exemptions for actions related to
           the normal use and promotion of the use of Catalan.

           Article 38

           Support centres
           1. The government of the Generalitat, in agreement with local authorities, shall create and subsidise centres
           devoted to promoting the knowledge, use and spread of Catalan, especially where the sociolinguistic situation
           requires them. The Consortium Language Promotion, which acts as a body for developing the territorial policies for
           language promotion, shall be responsible for these support centres.
           2. The centres referred to in para 1 shall have sufficient human and material resources to perform their duties.

           Article 39

           Planning measures

           1. The government of the Generalitat shall avail itself of general linguistic planning devices consisting of periodic
           programs in order to fix the most appropriate aims and measures for each circumstance and to assess results.
           Planning mechanisms shall be developed with the various agents and groups involved, and principles of
           participation, simplification and effectiveness shall be borne in mind.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall draw up a sociolinguistic map of Catalonia, which shall be reviewed
           every five years, in order to adjust its linguistic policy action to the real situation and, likewise, to assess the
           consequences of actions carried out.
           3. The government of the Generalitat shall inform Parliament each year of linguistic policy actions and the results
           achieved in the context of the mechanisms referred to in paras 1 and 2.
           Additional Provisions

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