Page 55 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 55

Article 19

           Personal names
           1. The citizens of Catalonia are entitled to use their forenames and surnames written in a regulatory correct
           manner, and to use the conjunction "i" between their surnames.
           2. Interested persons may arrange for their forenames and surnames to be recorded in a regulatory correct manner
           in Catalan in the Civil Registry, whatever the date of the original imposition, by a simple declaration to the person
           in charge and by submitting the documents accrediting the linguistically correct form, in a manner which shall be
           set forth by regulations.
           3. This rule shall be applicable to Aranese names and surnames as regards the linguistic norms for Aranese.

           Chapter III. Education

           Article 20

           The language of education
           1. Catalan, as Catalonia's own language, is also that of education, at all levels and types of schooling.

           2. Educational establishments at all levels shall make Catalan the vehicle of normal expression in their educational
           and administrative activities, both internally and externally.

           Article 21

           Non-university education

           1. Catalan shall normally be used as the vehicle of teaching and learning in non-university education.
           2. Children are entitled to receive their initial education in their usual language, whether this be Catalan or
           Castilian. The authorities shall guarantee this right and shall provide the appropriate resources to make it effective.
           Parents or guardians may exercise this right on behalf of their children, on request.

           3. The teaching of Catalan and Castilian shall be guaranteed in the curricula, so that all children, whatever their
           usual language may be when starting their education, can normally and correctly use both official languages by the
           end of their compulsory education.
           4. In post-compulsory education, the educational authorities shall promote policies of syllabus development
           instruction and so as to ensure that proficiency in, and the use of, both languages are perfected so that all young
           people acquire the instrumental and cultural knowledge to be expected from such education.

           5. Students shall not be separated either in centres or in group classes according to their usual language.
           6. No graduation certificate of secondary education can be granted to any student who does not accredit that he or
           she has an oral and written knowledge of Catalan and Castilian at the appropriate level.
           7. Certification of Catalan proficiency may not be required from any student who has been excused from learning it
           during their education or a part thereof, or who has carried out his or her compulsory education outside Catalonia,
           in the circumstances that the government of the Generalitat shall lay down by regulations.

           8. Students who enter the educational system of Catalonia at a later time than usual shall receive special and
           additional support for the teaching of Catalan.

           Article 22

           University education

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