Page 61 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 61


           Collaboration with other institutions and entities

           1. Without detriment to the application of this Act, the government of the Generalitat shall be vigilant in order to
           achieve the generalised use of Catalan, in a context of collaboration with European Union, State Authorities, the
           General Council of Legal Power and private and public companies of State, european or international scope,
           especially in the fields of the services, radio and television.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall be vigilant that there is an adequate presence of Catalan in the State-
           wide, trans-European and international media.



           External projection
           1. The government of the Generalitat shall be vigilant of the advancement of the Catalan culture and language
           outside the linguistic area, basically in academic and research fields, and also in European Union institutions and in
           their policies. In order to achieve this aim, the Generalitat may participate in an organisation common to the
           Catalan-speaking territories.
           2. The government of the Generalitat shall enable distribution and learning of Catalan in the Catalan communities
           abroad, under the terms of Act No. 18 of 27th December 1996, concerning relations with Catalan communities


           Normative spelling of Catalan forenames and surnames

           The replacement of incorrectly written or spelt names by the correct forms, as laid down in article 19, shall be
           ruled by the procedure set forth in article 2 of the State Act 17 of 4th January 1977, concerning reform of article 54
           of the Civil Registry Act, or the equivalent regulations which may replace it.


           Guarantees for fulfilment
           This Act does not contemplate sanctions for citizens. Nevertheless:
           a) Breach of the rules in article 26 shall be deemed a breach of the essential conditions of licence, as a result of
           which the sanctioning treatment set forth in Act No. 8 of 5th July 1996 shall be applicable, regulating audio-visual
           programs broadcasts by means of cable, and by the State Acts No. 31 of 18th December 1987, of the
           telecommunication ordinance, and No. 25 of 12th July 1994, by which the EEC Directive 89/552 is included in the
           Spanish legal ordinance.
           b) Breach of the rules laid down in articles 15, 30, 31 and 32.3 attributed to the companies and entities concerned,
           shall be deemed as an unjustified refusal to serve the wishes of users and consumers, as a result of which the
           sanctioning treatment set forth in Act No. 1 of 8th January 1990, concerning market discipline and defence of
           consumers and users, shall be applicable.


           Economic provisions

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