Page 63 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 63


           Radio and television stations

           Articles 25 and 26 shall be applicable to those stations for which the Generalitat is responsible for granting
           authorisation and whose licence is to be conferred or renewed after this Act comes into force.

           Final Provisions


            Amendment of Act 8 of 15th April 1987
           1. Article 5 of the municipal and local treatment Act No. 8, of 15th April 1987, is amended and shall be drawn up in
           the following manner:
           "Article 5
           1. Catalan is the local authorities of Catalonia's own language and thus shall be the language normally and generally
           used in their activities.
           2. All citizens shall be entitled to choose the official language in which to have their dealings with the local
           authorities, and the latter are correlatively obliged to serve them in the language they have chosen, in the terms set
           forth in Act No. 1, of 7th January 1998, on linguistic policy."
           2. Article 294.2 of the municipal and local treatment Act No. 8 of 15th April 1987 is amended, and shall be drawn
           up in the following manner:
           "Article 294.2
           In accordance with their public employment schemes, local authorities shall recruit staff by means of a public
           announcement and systems of tender, official examination and free official examination tender, which shall
           guarantee equality, merit, ability and announcement principles. In the recruitment process, proficiency in Catalan
           shall be accredited, as will Aranese in the local authorities of the Aran valley, both verbally and in writing, at the
           appropriate level for the duties of the work position to be filled."
           3. Article 310.2 of the municipal and local authorities Act No. 8 of 15th April 1987 is amended, and shall be drawn
           up in the following manner:
           "Article 310.2
           The local authorities of Catalonia shall include the requirement of oral and written proficiency in the
           announcement of tender conditions for work positions for local authority civil servants whose professions are valid
           throughout the State."


           Regulatory Development
           The government of the Generalitat shall be authorised to enact any regulatory provisions required to develop and
           apply this Act.


           Replacement and validity of regulations
           1. Act No. 7 of 18th April 1983, on linguistic normalization in Catalonia, is replaced by the provisions of this Act,
           without detriment to all that is not contradictory becoming part of the Catalan legal tradition.
           2. All the provisions arising from the development of Act No. 7 of 1983 which do not oppose this Act shall be valid,
           without detriment to any regulatory amendment that may arise.

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