Page 58 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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f) The creation, performance and production of music sung in Catalan.
           g) The production, publishing and distribution of written and sound material in Catalan designed for the blind, and
           a basic cultural offer, in Catalan, for this sector.
           h) All other public cultural activities in Catalan.
           2. All measures taken to ensure the use of Catalan in cultural industries and in others shall be applied following
           objective criteria, without discrimination and within the budgetary provisions.
           3. In order to ensure a significant presence of the Catalan language in available films, the government of the
           Generalitat can establish by a regulation linguistic quotas for the screening and distribution of film products
           distributed and shown either dubbed or subtitled in a language other than the original one. The quotas set for film
           products, whether dubbed or subtitled in Catalan, may not exceed fifty per cent of the annual total of films
           distributed or shown, and shall be based on objective criteria. The relevant regulation shall be issued within the
           context of the State Act No. 17 of 8th June 1994, concerning safeguarding and promoting the cinema, and according
           to the treatment set forth therein.

           Article 29

           Language and computer industries

           The government of the Generalitat shall aid, encourage and promote with adequate measures:
           a) Research, production and marketing of all kind of products in Catalan related to the language industries, such as
           systems of voice recognition, automatic translation and so on and others that technological advancement may
           make possible.
           b) Production, distribution and marketing of computer software, computer games, digital and multimedia products
           in the Catalan language, and the translation of such products into Catalan, when appropriate.
           c) The presence of products and information in Catalan in telematic information networks.
           Chapter V. Socio-economic activities

           Article 30

           Public Companies

           1. Public companies of the Generalitat and local authorities, and also licensed companies thereof that manage or
           operate the licensed service, shall normally use Catalan in their internal procedures and documents, and on their
           signs, instruction manuals, labelling and wrapping of products or services they produce or provide.
           2. The companies referred to in para 1 shall normally use Catalan in their notifications and communication,
           including invoices and other business documents addressed to individuals resident in the Catalan-speaking
           territories, without detriment to the citizens' right to receive them in Castilian - or when appropriate, in Catalan, on

           Article 31

           Public services companies
           1. Companies and public or private entities which provide public services, such as those of transport, supplies,
           communication and others, shall use, at least, Catalan in their signs and loudspeaker announcements.
           2. Written communiqués and notices addressed to individuals resident in Catalonia, including invoices and other
           business documents, made by companies and entities mentioned in para 1, shall at least be in Catalan, without
           detriment to the citizen's right to receive them in Castilian on request.

           3. The provision in para 2 regarding invoices and other business documents shall be interpreted without detriment
           to the responsibility of the State to organise the aforementioned services when they directly render them or by
           means of their own companies and entities.
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