Page 57 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 57

Article 26

           Radio and television media broadcasting under licence
           1. Without detriment to the application of Act No. 8 of 5th July 1996, concerning regulations of audio-visual
           programming provided by cable, the organisations referred to in the aforementioned Act shall guarantee that at
           least fifty per cent of viewing time of all kinds of programmes produced by themselves and other tele-services are
           provided in the Catalan language.
           2. What is laid down in para 1 shall also be applicable to licensees of television managed privately within the
           territorial area of Catalonia.
           3. Radio broadcasts by licensees granted by the Generalitat shall guarantee at least fifty per cent of broadcasting
           time in Catalan, although the government of the Generalitat, depending on the features of their audience, may
           modify this percentage by regulation.

           4. The government of the Generalitat shall include the use of the Catalan language in percentages higher than the
           established minimum as one of the criteria for awarding surface wave television broadcasting licences, television
           programmes provided by cable and radio broadcasting.
           5. Radio and television broadcasting companies shall guarantee that music programmes have an adequate
           presence of songs produced by Catalan artists and at least twenty-five per cent are songs performed in the Catalan
           language or in Aranese.

           6. Those broadcasters to which this article refers and who broadcast to, or provide programmes for, the Aran valley
           shall guarantee a significant presence of Aranese in their broadcasts.

           Article 27

           The written media

           1. In the written press and in magazines published by the Generalitat and by local authorities, the language to be
           normally used shall be Catalan.

           2. The government of the Generalitat shall promote and subsidise magazines of general distribution Catalonia
           which are written totally or mostly in Catalan.

           3. The government of the Generalitat and the local authorities shall promote and may subsidise magazines of a
           municipal or local nature which are written totally or mostly in Catalan.

           4. The granting of subsidies, to which paras 2 and 3 refer, shall follow objective criteria of dissemination,
           commercialisation and use of Catalan, within the budgetary provisions and under the control of Parliament or local
           authority councils

           Article 28

           Cultural industries and the entertainment business

           1. The government of the Generalitat shall aid, encourage and promote:
           a) Literary and scientific output in Catalan, distribution inside and outside the Catalan-speaking territories and
           translation of literary and scientific works from Catalan into other languages, and translation of works written in
           other languages into Catalan.
           b) The publishing, distributing and disseminating of books and magazines in Catalan.
           c) The production of films in Catalan and the dubbing and sub-titling in Catalan of films originally made in other
           languages, and the distribution in whatever format, and the showing of these products.
           d) The production, distribution and issuing of sound recordings and audio-visual material in Catalan.
           e) The production and performance of entertainment in Catalan.

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