Page 62 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 62

In the budgets of the Generalitat, relevant provisions shall be made in order to carry out the activities and to adopt
           the measures stemming from the implementation of this Act with sufficient means and resources, with special
           attention to the costs of a plurilingual educational system, of authorities that have two official languages and of
           cultural distribution in a restricted area language, furthermore bearing in mind the objective needs of territorial
           and sectoral distribution.


           Duties of vigilance and encouragement

           The Generalitat shall be vigilant so that regulations and administrative actions of other public authorities of the
           State respect the constitutional and statutory ordinance principles and this Act, and shall encourage legislative
           amendment of State regulations which hinder the use of Catalan in any field or restrict the full linguistic equality of

           Civil Service Rules
           The rules in this Act bind the staff in the service of the Authorities, in accordance with regulatory norms of the civil


           Official translations and interpretations [provision added by Article 224 of ACT 5/2017, of 28 March, on tax,
           administrative, financial and public sector measures and measures for the creation and regulation of taxes on large
           commercial establishments, stays in tourist establishments, radiotoxic material, sugary drinks and carbon dioxide
           1. Official sworn translations and interpretations from another language into Catalan and Occitan and vice versa
           must be carried out by persons appointed or qualified to do so.
           2. The types and requirements of the qualifications for sworn translations and interpretations for Catalan and
           Occitan must be implemented by decree. For Occitan, the General Council of Aran must be consulted when drafting
           the decree.

           3. The qualified persons for sworn translations and interpretations must certify the faithfulness and accuracy of the
           translation and interpretation with their signature and seal.

           Transitory Provisions


           Linguistic Use Rules
           The linguistic use rules referred to in article 9.3 shall be approved no later than two years after this Act has come
           into force.


           Company adaptation
           1. The companies and entities affected by this Act shall have two years to adapt to what is laid down in article 15
           and the provisions in chapter V. This period will be five years for independent businessmen.
           2. Within five years or before the expiry date if this is later, products or services referred to in article 34 may
           continue in the market without fulfilling the linguistic rules of labelling.

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