Page 54 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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shall be drawn up in the language chosen by the consumer and shall be at the immediate disposal of the client in separate copies
           in Catalan and Castilian.

           4. Securities of all kinds, including those that represent shares in trading companies, shall be valid whichever of the two official
           languages they are drawn up in.

           5. Cheques, promissory notes, receipts and other documents offered by financial entities to their clients shall be drawn up at least
           in Catalan.

           Article 16

           Collective Bargaining Agreements
           1. Collective bargaining agreements shall be valid whichever of the two official languages they are drawn up in.

           2. Collective bargaining agreements shall be drawn up in the official language agreed upon by the parties or, should no
           agreement be reached, in both official languages and in two separate copies.

           Article 17

           Public Registries
           1. Registry entries recorded in either of the two official languages shall be valid.

           2. In all the public registries in Catalonia, except those that are only of an administrative nature, the entries shall be recorded in
           the official language in which the document has been drawn up or the one used in the declaration. Should the document be
           bilingual, the entry shall be in the language chosen by whoever submits the document to the registry.

           3. Registrars shall issue certificates in the official language used in the request.

           4. Registry offices shall be in a position to serve citizens in either of the two official languages and shall have staff with a
           sufficient and adequate level of proficiency that they can perform the duties of their job position.

           5. Registry offices shall guarantee that interpretation and translation, whether verbal or in writing, of any entry into the official
           language requested by the interested party is both immediate and accurate.
           6. Forms and other printed material at the disposal of the public in the Registry offices shall be drawn up at least in Catalan.

           Chapter II. Denomination

           Article 18

           Place names
           1. The Catalan version of the place names of Catalonia are the only official ones, in accordance with the linguistic
           norms of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, except those of the Aran valley, where they shall be in Aranese.
           2. Decisions regarding the names of municipalities and comarques 8 are governed by the legislation on local
           3. Decisions on the name for urban streets and villages of every kind are the responsibility of the local councils, and
           decisions on other names in Catalonia, including inter-city roads, are the responsibility of the Generalitat whoever
           is responsible for them.

           4. Names that para 2 and 3 refer to are the legal ones for all purposes and signs shall be written accordingly. The
           Generalitat, heeding in all cases the international regulations which have become part of internal law, shall regulate
           the normal use of Catalan on public signs.
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