Page 51 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 51

b) To express themselves in either of the two official languages, verbally or in writing, in their relations as well as
           in private and public procedures.
           c) To be served in either of the two official languages in the manner laid down by this Act.
           d) To freely use either of the two official languages in all fields.
           e) Not to be discriminated against on account of the official language they use.

           2. Everyone may address the courts and tribunals in order to obtain legal protection for the right to use their

           3. Everyone may address the Generalitat and the Síndic de Greuges 5 requesting that, within the scope of their
           authority, they act in order to guarantee linguistic rights in a specific manner.

           Article 5

           The guiding principles of the policy of the Generalitat
           1. The Generalitat shall guarantee the linguistic rights of citizens, the normal and official use of Catalan and
           Castilian, the teaching of both languages to the whole population, the linguistic ability and capacity of staff in
           service of the Authorities and full equality of citizens regarding their linguistic rights and duties, in all fields.
           2. The Generalitat shall take steps to safeguard, protect and promote the use of Catalan in all fields, by adopting the
           required measures and providing adequate resources.

           Article 6

           Unity of the Catalan language

           1. The Catalan language is a heritage that is shared with other territories forming the same linguistic community.
           The Generalitat shall ensure the protection of the unity of Catalan and shall promote the use and dissemination of
           Catalan abroad and communication between different Catalan-speaking areas.
           2. Pursuant to legislation in force, the Institut d'Estudis Catalans 6 is responsible for linguistic authority.

           Article 7

           Acknowledgement and Protection of Aranese [Derogated by the derogatory disposition of the Law 35/2010, of 1st
           October, of the Occitan, Aranese in Aran]
           Aranese, the Aran valley's own variety of the Occitan language, is governed, as regards its use, by Act No. 16 of 13th
           July 1990, concerning the special treatment in the Aran valley, and, additionally, by the provisions of this Act, which
           are never to be interpreted in such a way as to limit the use of Aranese.

           Chapter I. Institutional Use

           Article 8

           Publication of regulations
           1. Bills enacted by the Parliament of Catalonia are published, in simultaneous editions, in Catalan and Castilian, in the Diari
           Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya 7. The Parliament is responsible for preparing the official version in Castilian.

           2. General provisions and regulating resolutions of the Government, the Authorities and the Institutions of the Generalitat and the
           local authorities of Catalonia are published, when appropriate, in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya, in
           simultaneous versions in Catalan and Castilian.

           Article 9

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