Page 170 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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apply, in so  far  as appropriate, on the  qualification requirements  in the  Sámi language.  Knowledge  of the  Sámi
           language  can be  demonstrated  by  an examination  referred  to in  the Act  on  Public  Language Examinations
           (668/ 1994), by an examination  passed  in  the  context  of studies,  or  by  studies  in  an
           institution of tertiary  education.

           Section  15    — Duty  of  the  authorities  to  use  the  Sámi language
           In their notices, summonses  and  letters that  are sent  to a party  or to a person  who under  law is to be
           informed of a pending matter or a matter about  to become  pending,  the  authorities  shall, regardless
           of the
           language of proceedings, use the language of the recipient, if this is known or  can reasonably  be ascertained,
           or use  both the  Finnish  and
           the Sámi language.

           An authority shall use the Sámi  language,  without a separate request,  when  responding  to  written
           communications  in  the  Sámi language.

           The authorities  s  hall  also otherwise promotes  the  use  of  the  Sámi language  in  their activities.
           Section  16    — Use  of  the  Sámi language  in  municipal documents

           In municipalities  where the  proportion of Sámi speakers  in the population has on 1 January of the preceding
           year exceeded one third,  the  municipal  organs  shall  use  also  the  Sámi  language  in records  and other
           documents  not to be issued  to private parties,  but  being of general  concern.  Also in other municipalities, the
           municipal organs shall use the Sámi language in such documents to the extent deemed necessary.

           Section  17     —  State  enterprises  and  State-  or  municipality -owned  companies
           A State  enterprise  and  a  service-producing company in  which  the  State or one or more of  the
           municipalities referred to in section 2, subsection 1,  paragraph  1,  exert  authority,  shall in  the  Sámi homeland
           provide  the
           linguistic service referred to in this Act and provide information to the public  also  in  the  Sámi  language
           to  the  extent  warranted  by  the  nature
           and context o f  the activity and in a manner  that  cannot  be deemed unreasonable to the enterprise or
           company when assessed as a    whole. What is provided in this Act regarding authorities applies also to a State
           enterprise that attends to a  function  of an  authority.

           Section  18      — Obligation  of      a  private  entity  to  provide  linguistic  services
           If  a public administrative  function has  by Act or on  the  basis  of  an  Act been  assigned  to a private
           entity, the provisions of this Act on  an
           authority  apply  to the  entity  when operating  in the  Sámi  homeland.  If   the  assignee  of such  a  function
           in  the  Sámi homeland  is  determined  by
           the decision or other measure of an authority or by contract between the assignee and the authority,
           the authority  shall ensure that
           linguistic service is provided in the performance  of  the  function as provided in  this Act. The authority
           shall  ensure the same also when
           assigning a task other than a public administrative function to a private entity in the Sámi homeland, if
           the standard of service required in this Act so necessitates.

           Chapter 4    — Right  to  interpretation  and  translation

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