Page 174 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 174

More  detailed  provisions  on  the    implementation    of    this    Act    shall    be  issued  by  Government

           Chapter  7      — Entry  into  force  and  transition      al  provisions

           Section  34    — Entry  into force

           This Act  enters    into  force  on  1  January 2004;    it  repeals  the    Act  on  the Use of the Sámi Language
           before the    Authorities  (516/ 1991),  as  later amended.

           Measures    necessary    for  the    implementation    of  this  Act  may      be taken before  its  entry
           into force.

           This    Act    shall    be    published    in    the    Statute    Book   of Finland also  in translation to
           Inari Sámi, Skolt Sámi and Northern  Sámi.

           Section    35      —  Transitional  provisions
           A  reference    in  another    Act  or  Decree  to  the    repealed  Act on the Use  of the  Sámi  Language  before
           the  Authorities shall  after the  entry  into force
           of  this  Act  be  considered  a  reference  to  this  Act.

           The provisions    of    the    previous    legislation    continue    to    apply    to    matters

           that  have  become  pending  before  the  entry into force of this Act, unless the authority otherwise
           decides in view of the rights and interests of    the parties.

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