Page 166 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 166

NB:  Unofficial  translation

           ©   Ministry  of  Justice,  Finland

                                               Sámi  Language  Act

                                                        (1086/ 2003)

           Chapter  1    — General  provisions

           Section  1    — Purpose  of  the  Act

           The  purpose  of this  Act  is  to  ensure,  for  its  part,  the  constitutional right of the  Sámi to  maintain
           and develop their own  language  and culture.

           This Act contains  provisions on the  right of  the  Sámi  to use  their own language  before the  courts  and
           other public authorities,  as well as on the  duty  of  the  authorities  to enforce and  promote  the  linguistic
           rights of the  Sámi.

           The  goal is  to ensure the right of    th Sámi  to a fair    trial    and    good administration  irrespective of
           language  and to secure  the  linguistic   rights of the Sámi  without  them needing  specifically to refer to these

           Section  2    — Scope  of  application
           The following public authorities shall be subject to the provisions of this Act:
                      (1)    the municipal organs of Enontekiö, Inari, Sodankylä,
                             and Utsjoki, as well  as the  joint municipal  authorities  where  one or more  of the  said
                             municipalities  are  members;

                       (2)    the  courts  and  State  regional  and  district  authorities  whose jurisdiction  covers
                              the  said  municipalities  in  full or  in  part;
                       (3)    the  provincial government  of Lapland  and the  organs  attached  to it;
                       (4)    the Sámi Parliament, the Advisory Board for  Sámi Affairs  and a village meeting
                              referred to in section 42 of  the  Skolt Act (253/ 1995); the   Chancellor of Justice of the
                              Government  and the   Parliamentary Ombudsman;
                       (5)    the  Consumer  Ombudsman  and  the  Consumer  Complaints Board, the
                                   Ombudsman for Equality and the Council  for Equality, the   Data Protection
                              Ombudsman  and the  Data Protection  Board,  and  the  Ombudsman  for
                       (6)    the Social Insurance Institution and Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution; and
                       (7)    the State administrative authorities that hear appeals against decisions  of
                              administrative  authorities  referred  to  above.

           This Act applies also  to  administrative  procedure  under  the  Reindeer Husbandry  Act  (848/ 1990)  and  the

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