Page 172 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
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An authority shall in its activity and on its own ensure that the linguistic rights guaranteed in this Act are
           secured    in    practice.    The authority shall show to the public that it provides service also    in    the Sámi

           An authority may provide also    better linguistic service than what is required in  this Act.
           Section      25   — Paid leave of absence and liberty from    work    for    studies    in    the Sámi language
           An official of a State authority    referred    to    in    section    2,    subsection    1, whose jurisdiction lies
           completely  within the  Sámi  homeland,  has  the right to    paid leave of absence for studies towards a
           knowledge in the Sámi language  necessary for  the  performance  of the  service,  if the duration of his or
           her    service with that authority has been at least    one year. An employee of such an authority has the
           corresponding right to liberty from  work for the  same  purpose.

           A person in the service of a municipality or a joint municipal authority referred to insection2, subsection1,
           or of a State authority referred to   in section 2, subsection 1, paragraphs    2  and    3,  whose  jurisdiction  lies
           partially within the  Sámi  homeland,  as well as    a    person  in    the  service    of the  Reindeer  Herders’
           Association,  may  be  granted  paid  leave  of absence
           or  liberty  from  work for studies towards a knowledge in the Sámi language  necessary  for  the  performance  of
           the  service, if  the  duration  of
           the service has been at least one year. Other conditions for the leave of absence or liberty from work may
           be laid down by a Government Decree.

           It  may  be  set as  a  condition  for  the  leave  of absence  or  liberty  from  work that the person enters into a
           written contract with the authority to the effect that  he or she  will  remain  in the  service of  the
           authority  within
           the  Sámi  homeland  for  a  given  period,  not  to  exceed one year, after the
           end of the leave of absence or liberty from work. A term may be taken into the contract to the effect that
           the  official must reimburse the authority with at most the amount of the direct costs of the language
           training, if the official during the contract period resigns or is given notice  for  a  reason  arising from  him
           or  herself other  than  illness.
           Section  26    — Sámi Language  Bureau

           The  Sámi     Parliament    shall have a   Sámi          Language Bureau  for translation  and  for
           other  tasks  provided in  this Act; the Bureau shall have  its premises  within  the  Sámi homeland.

           More detailed provisions on the Sámi Language Bureau hall be issued by Government Decree.

           Section  27      —  Sámi language  advisor
           The      Provincial      Government of Lapland  and  the  State  regional  and district authorities in the Sámi
           homeland may have Sámi language advisors. The services of an advisor shall be free of charge  to the
           Section    28      —  Supervision  and  monitoring

           Each authority supervises application  of this Act within its own  area of operation.

           The Sámi Parliament monitors the application of this Act and may issue recommendations in questions

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