Page 167 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 167

Reindeer Husbandry  Decree
           (883/ 1990) in the State authorities and  herding cooperatives  whose jurisdiction covers the Sámi homeland
           in full or in part, as well as in the  Reindeer Herders’ Association.

           Sections 17 and 18 contain provisions on the application of this Act on State enterprises, companies and
           private entities; section 30 contains provisions on the  application  of this Act on  ecclesiastical authorities.

           The special provisions applicable in the  Sámi homeland  appear  in chapter 3.
           Section  3    — Definitions

           For  the  purposes  of  this  Act:
                       (1)    the  Sámi  language   is defined as the languages of Inari  Sámi, Skolt Sámi or
                              Northern Sámi, depending on the language used or the  main  target population;
                       (2)    a  S ámi is  defined  as  a  Sámi  individual  as  referred  to  in  section  3 of  the  Act  on
                               the  Sámi Parliament   (974/ 1995; laki saamelaiskäräjistä  );
                       (3)    the Sámi  homeland    is defined as the  Sámi  homeland  referred to in  section  4 of
                              the  Act on  the Sámi Parliament; and
                       (4)    an authority is defined as a court and another public authority, a herding cooperative
                              and the Reindeer Herders’ Association, as referred to in  section  2,  subsections  1
                              and  2.

           Chapter  2    — Linguistic  rights

           Section  4      — Right  of  the  Sámi to  use  the  Sámi language  before  the  authorities A Sámi has the right
           to use the Sámi language, in his or her own matter or in a matter where he or she is being heard, before
           any authority referred to in  this  Act.

           An    authority  must  not  restrict  or    refuse  to enforce the  linguistic rights provided in this Act on the
           grounds that the Sámi  knows also some
           other  language,  such  as  Finnish  or  Swedish.

           Section  5      —  Linguistic  rights  of  a  legal person  before  the  authorities
           A  corporation and  a foundation  whose language  of  record is Sámi  has the  right  to use  its language  of
           record before the  authorities;  the provisions in section 4 on the right of a Sámi to use the Sámi language
           apply, in  so far  as  appropriate,  to  this  right.

           Correspondingly, an educational institution  whose language of instruction  is  Sámi  has  the  right  to  use
           the  Sámi  language  as  provided in  subsection  1.

           Section  6      —  Use  of  the  Sámi language  in  representative  bodies
           The  Sámi  members of  the representative bodies  of  the municipalities  of

           Enontekiö,  Inari,  Sodankylä  and  Utsjoki  have the  right  to  use  the  Sámi language in meetings and in
           written statements to be appended to the record. The same  provision applies to the  Sámi  members  of

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