Page 156 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 156

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                      i    to set up a supervisory body or bodies responsible for monitoring the measures taken and progress
                           achieved in establishing or developing the teaching of regional or minority languages  and  for
                           drawing  up  periodic  reports  of  their  findings,  which  will  be  made public.

                  2   With regard to education and in respect of territories other than those in which the regional or minority
                      languages are traditionally used, the Parties undertake, if the number of users of a regional or minority
                      language justifies it, to allow, encourage or provide teaching in or of the regional or minority language
                      at all the appropriate stages of education.

              Article 9 – Judicial authorities

                  1   The Parties undertake, in respect of those judicial districts in which the number of residents using the
                      regional or minority languages justifies the measures specified below, according to the situation of each
                      of these languages and on condition that the use of the facilities afforded by the present paragraph is not
                      considered by the judge to hamper the proper administration of justice:

                      a    in criminal proceedings:

                           i   to provide that the courts, at the request of one of the parties, shall conduct the proceedings in
                               the regional or minority languages; and/or

                           ii   to guarantee the accused the right to use his/her regional or minority language; and/or

                           iii   to  provide  that  requests  and  evidence,  whether  written  or  oral,  shall  not  be  considered
                               inadmissible solely because they are formulated in a regional or minority language; and/or

                           iv   to produce, on request, documents connected with legal proceedings in the relevant regional
                               or minority language,

                               if necessary by the use of interpreters and translations involving no extra expense
                               for the persons concerned;

                      b    in civil proceedings:

                           i   to provide that the courts, at the request of one of the parties, shall conduct the proceedings in
                               the regional or minority languages; and/or

                           ii   to allow, whenever a litigant has to appear in person before a court, that he or she may use his
                               or her regional or minority language without thereby incurring additional expense; and/or

                           iii   to allow documents and evidence to be produced in the regional or minority languages,

                               if necessary by the use of interpreters and translations;

                      c    in proceedings before courts concerning administrative matters:

                           i   to provide that the courts, at the request of one of the parties, shall conduct the proceedings in
                               the regional or minority languages; and/or

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