Page 155 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 155

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                           iv   to apply one of the measures provided for under i to iii above at least to those pupils whose
                               families so request and whose number is considered sufficient;

                      c    i   to  make  available  secondary  education  in  the  relevant  regional  or  minority languages; or

                           ii   to make available a substantial part of secondary education in the relevant regional or minority
                               languages; or

                           iii   to provide, within secondary education, for the teaching of the relevant regional or minority
                               languages as an integral part of the curriculum; or

                           iv   to apply one of the measures provided for under i to iii above at least to those pupils who, or
                               where appropriate whose families, so wish in a number  considered sufficient;

                      d    i   to  make  available  technical  and  vocational  education  in  the  relevant  regional  or minority
                               languages; or

                           ii   to  make  available  a  substantial  part  of  technical  and  vocational  education  in  the  relevant
                               regional or minority languages; or

                           iii   to provide, within technical and vocational education, for the teaching of the relevant regional
                               or minority languages as an integral part of the curriculum; or

                           iv   to apply one of the measures provided for under i to iii above at least to those pupils who, or
                               where appropriate whose families, so wish in a number  considered sufficient;

                      e    i   to  make  available  university  and  other  higher  education  in  regional  or  minority languages;

                           ii   to provide facilities for the study of these languages as university and higher education subjects;

                           iii   if, by reason of the role of the State in relation to higher education institutions, sub- paragraphs
                               i and ii cannot be applied, to encourage and/or allow the provision of university or other forms
                               of higher education in regional or minority languages or of facilities for the study of these
                               languages as university or higher education subjects;

                      f    i   to  arrange  for  the  provision  of  adult  and  continuing  education  courses  which  are taught
                               mainly or wholly in the regional or minority languages; or

               ii   to offer such languages as subjects of adult and continuing education; or

                           iii   if the public authorities have no direct competence in the field of adult education, to favour
                               and/or encourage the offering of such languages as subjects of adult and continuing education;

                      g    to  make  arrangements  to  ensure  the  teaching  of  the  history  and  the  culture  which  is reflected
                           by the regional or minority language;

                      h    to provide the basic and further training of the teachers required to implement those of paragraphs
                           a to g accepted by the Party;

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