Page 158 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 158

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                      c    to allow the administrative authorities to draft documents in a regional or minority language.

                  2   In respect of the local and regional authorities on whose territory the number of residents who are users
                      of regional or minority languages is such as to justify the measures specified below, the Parties undertake
                      to allow and/or encourage:

                      a    the use of regional or minority languages within the framework of the regional or local authority;

                      b    the possibility for users of regional or minority languages to submit oral or written applications in
                           these languages;

                      c    the publication by regional authorities of their official documents also in the relevant regional or
                           minority languages;

                      d    the  publication  by  local  authorities  of  their  official  documents  also  in  the  relevant  regional  or
                           minority languages;

                      e    the use by regional authorities of regional or minority languages in debates in their assemblies,
                           without excluding, however, the use of the official language(s) of the State;

                      f    the use by local authorities of regional or minority languages in debates in their assemblies, without
                           excluding, however, the use of the official language(s) of the State;

                      g    the  use  or  adoption,  if  necessary  in  conjunction  with  the  name  in  the  official  language(s),  of
                           traditional and correct forms of place-names in regional or minority languages.

                  3   With regard to public services provided by the administrative authorities or other persons acting on their
                      behalf, the Parties undertake, within the territory in which regional or minority languages are used, in
                      accordance with the situation of each language and as far as this is reasonably possible:

                      a    to ensure that the regional or minority languages are used in the provision of the service; or

                      b    to allow users of regional or minority languages to submit a request and receive a reply in these
                           languages; or

                      c    to allow users of regional or minority languages to submit a request in these languages.

                  4   With a view to putting into effect those provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 accepted by them, the Parties
                      undertake to take one or more of the following measures:

                      a    translation or interpretation as may be required;

                      b    recruitment  and,  where  necessary,  training  of  the  officials  and  other  public  service  employees

                      c    compliance as far as possible with requests from public service employees having a knowledge of
                           a regional or minority language to be appointed in the territory in which that language is used.

                  5   The Parties undertake to allow the use or adoption of family names in the regional or minority languages,
                      at the request of those concerned.

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