Page 160 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 160

ETS 148 – Regional or Minority Languages, 5.XI.1992

                      duties  and  responsibilities,  may  be  subject  to  such  formalities,  conditions,  restrictions  or
                      penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of
                      national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime,
                      for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for
                      preventing disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority
                      and impartiality of the judiciary.

                  3   The Parties undertake to ensure that the interests of the users of regional or minority languages are
                      represented or taken into account within such bodies as may be established in accordance with the law
                      with responsibility for guaranteeing the freedom and pluralism of the media.

              Article 12 – Cultural activities and facilities

                  1   With regard to cultural activities and facilities – especially libraries, video libraries, cultural centres,
                      museums,  archives,  academies,  theatres  and  cinemas,  as  well  as  literary  work  and  film  production,
                      vernacular forms of cultural expression, festivals and the culture industries, including inter alia the use
                      of new technologies – the Parties undertake, within the territory in which such languages are used and to
                      the extent that the public authorities are competent, have power or play a role in this field:

                      a    to encourage types of expression and initiative specific to regional or minority languages and foster
                           the different means of access to works produced in these languages;

                      b    to foster the different means of access in other languages to works produced in regional or minority
                           languages  by  aiding  and  developing  translation,  dubbing,  post-  synchronisation  and  subtitling

                      c    to foster access in regional or minority languages to works produced in other languages by aiding
                           and developing translation, dubbing, post-synchronisation and subtitling activities;

                      d    to ensure that the bodies responsible for organising or supporting cultural activities of various kinds
                           make  appropriate  allowance  for  incorporating  the  knowledge  and  use  of  regional  or  minority
                           languages and cultures in the undertakings which they initiate or for which they provide backing;

                      e    to promote measures to ensure that the bodies responsible for organising or supporting cultural
                           activities have at their disposal staff who have a full command of the regional or minority language
                           concerned, as well as of the language(s) of the rest of the population;

                      f    to encourage direct participation by representatives of the users of a given regional or minority
                           language in providing facilities and planning cultural activities;

                      g    to encourage and/or facilitate the creation of a body or bodies responsible for collecting, keeping a
                           copy of and presenting or publishing works produced in the regional  or minority languages;

                      h    if necessary, to create and/or promote and finance translation and  terminological research services,
                           particularly with a view to maintaining and developing appropriate administrative, commercial,
                           economic, social, technical or legal terminology in each regional or minority language.

                  2   In respect of territories other than those in which the regional or minority languages are traditionally used,
                      the Parties undertake, if the number of users of a regional or minority language justifies it, to allow,
                      encourage and/or provide appropriate cultural activities and facilities in accordance with the preceding

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