Page 131 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 131


                        10.  Culture and media


                        The relationship between language and culture is multi-faceted and complex. This is no different
                        for Welsh. Culture is an integral part of our society and identity, and our feeling of nationhood. It has the
                        ability to empower, and enable increased confidence, skills and employability, which are all integral
                        to this strategy. It plays an increasingly important role in public life in Wales, including our economy,
                        health, education and regeneration. Cultural and language awareness need to be celebrated and
                        harnessed to support prosperity.

                        The Welsh language is an important facet of Welsh culture, and something we celebrate as a
                        nation. There also exists a rich culture which is unique to the Welsh language and which is
                        expressed in many forms. As a nation, we need to do more to celebrate this participatory culture,
                        or ‘diwylliant’, both within Wales and beyond.

                        Our attempts to embed a growing awareness of the language to support language use (outlined in
                        Theme 2) includes not only awareness of the Welsh language but also an appreciation of our rich and
                        varied culture to provide a holistic context. We also want to see and hear Welsh become more prevalent
                        in popular culture in all its art forms, in literature, theatre, film and television. The use of Welsh by
                        role models such as sports people, musicians, actors and other prominent figures and organisations
                        serves to enhance the status of Welsh as a living language.

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