Page 134 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 134


                        11.  Wales and the wider world

                        Build bridges between Wales and the wider world

                        The Welsh language is part of a rich tapestry of languages that have developed, co-existed and
                        evolved throughout history.  It lives side by side with a global language, and continues to
                        contribute to the contemporary culture of the UK, Europe and the world.

                        Continuing to support the language means broadening our horizons and looking out towards
                        the world, and recognising that everyday life for very many people across the world
                        involves more than one language, but also that the Welsh language is in a strong situation
                        compared to many other languages.
                        Learning new languages can make us as individuals more open to other cultures, and gives us
                        different experiences and skills that can help us to succeed here and overseas. In that context, the
                        Welsh language increases our sense of belonging and helps to make us informed citizens of
                        Wales and the wider world. Understanding the importance of the language for the nation’s
                        identity means that people respect it, feel an emotional commitment to it, and therefore want to
                        see it continue and thrive, regardless of whether or not they speak it.

                        International relations contribute to the profile of the Welsh language beyond Wales’ borders.
                        This includes maintaining the close relationship with Welsh communities overseas such as Y
                        Wladfa – the
                        Welsh-speaking community in Patagonia – and reaching out to those that have left Wales so that
                        they are able to continue to contribute to our community and wider society through the medium of
                        Welsh. It also means fostering a relationship with other languages, particularly countries with
                        minority languages. We in Wales have learnt lessons from language planners across the world,
                        and have created solutions that have been adopted by others, and this mutually beneficial
                        cooperation will continue.

                        Marketing Wales and Welsh to the wider world

                        Wales’ appeal is growing as a visitor destination. Strong inward investment on major events
                        provide opportunities to boost Wales’ profile on the world stage. Our aim is to build a
                        contemporary, engaging nation brand that promotes Wales on a UK and international

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