Page 127 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 127


                        Our vision is to see the Welsh language as a normal part of everyday life, with goodwill towards it
                        and an increase in use. We want it to be relevant for everyone in Wales, regardless of whether
                        they speak Welsh, English or other languages, and to inspire a respect and appreciation of the
                        language among people who move into Wales. As part of this we need to enhance the place of
                        Welsh in the world, and do more to celebrate Welsh as a key component of our contemporary


                          9.   Community and economy: support the socioeconomic
                               infrastructure of Welsh-speaking communities.
                          10.  Culture and media: ensure that the Welsh language is
                               safeguarded as an integral part of our contemporary culture.

                          11.  Wales and the wider world: ensure that the Welsh language is
                               an integral part of our efforts to enhance Wales’ relationship
                               with the wider world, and used to welcome and integrate
                               people who move to Wales.

                          12.  Digital technology:  ensure that the Welsh language is at the
                               heart of innovation in digital technology to enable the use of
                               Welsh in all digital contexts.

                          13.  Linguistic infrastructure: ensure the continued development of
                               Welsh language infrastructure (dictionaries, terminology, the
                               translation profession) as integral to the delivery of this strategy.

                          14.  Language planning: embed language planning and promotion
                               nationally, regionally and locally, with a better
                               understanding of and support for bilingualism and the needs
                               of Welsh speakers.

                          15.  Evaluation  and  research:  continue  to  build  on  our  evidence
                               about the Welsh language and its speakers, as a basis
                               for assessing the effectiveness of our interventions and developing Welsh language

                        To achieve our aims in this area, we will drive the following transformational

                        •  Develop a new regional focus to economic development to help all
                           parts of Wales to benefit from prosperity and support each area to
                           develop its own distinctive identity.

                        •   Transform the Welsh language digital landscape with particular focus on
                           language technologies.
                        •   Develop a national programme to increase understanding of

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