Page 126 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 126


                        Theme 3:

      Creating favourable conditions – infrastructure and context

                        In the preceding themes we have explained what needs to be done to
                        increase the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050, and what
                        changes are required to achieve an increase in the use of Welsh. Under
                        this theme we discuss the changes we need to see over the next three
                        decades to support efforts to increase the number of speakers and
                        the use of Welsh. This is about creating suitable conditions and an
                        environment where the Welsh language and its speakers can thrive.

                        The economy is integral to creating the social conditions where Welsh speakers can stay in Welsh-
                        speaking communities, or return to those communities. While we cannot control every factor
                        which influences economic growth, there are things which we can influence. These include skills,
                        the prestige placed on the Welsh language, the location of public sector jobs, clusters, ensuring that
                        the Welsh language is seen as a valuable skill in large developments, and opportunities to use those

                        In order to facilitate an increase in the number of Welsh speakers, raise their confidence and enable
                        the language to be used in a variety of settings, digital resources, a healthy and diverse media, a
                        modern and responsive translation profession which makes full benefit of the latest technology,
                        and language resources (dictionaries, terminologies, and corpora) are required. These are all
                        elements that reflect and maintain the Welsh language’s status as a living language, and are
                        essential for Welsh speakers whatever their ability.

                        For the strategy to succeed we need to share responsibility for language planning across a
                        wider range of organisations, and in doing so build capacity and expertise in language planning,
                        and increase understanding of bilingualism.

                        In order to be able to measure the effectiveness of our interventions and develop future policy on
                        the basis of evidence, it is essential that we continue to develop our programme of research and
                        evaluation for the Welsh language. We will do this by working in collaboration with research
                        partners in Wales and beyond.

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