Page 136 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 136


                        In-migration is a challenge for the Welsh language, but can also be an opportunity to demonstrate
                        how the language can be used to embrace multiculturalism and diversity. This could be through
                        programmes to learn Welsh or programmes to assist children and families to support learning
                        and guide them in their new communities.

                        Using the workplace to introduce the Welsh language to in-migrants and ensuring that they are
                        aware of the Welsh language and culture, as well as giving them opportunities to learn and use the
                        Welsh language, is another important approach.

                        The attitude and contribution of fluent Welsh speakers will also be important. As is the case with
                        any new speaker, a programme will need to be developed for Welsh speakers to participate in
                        informal learning and to contribute to the efforts of in-migrants to learn Welsh such as the
                        Voluntariat per la Llengua Programme in Catalunya.

                        Our aim: ensure that the Welsh language is an integral

                        part of our efforts to enhance Wales’ relationship with
                        the wider world, and used to welcome and integrate
                        people who move to Wales.

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