Page 241 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 241


             (1)  State payments to religious societies based on law, treaty or special legal titles shall be replaced by state
             legislation.  The principles for this are established by the empire.
             (2)  The ownership and other rights of religious societies and associations to their institutions, foundations and
             other property intended for religious, educational and charitable purposes shall be guaranteed.

                                                       Article 139
                                                   Weimar Constitution

            Sundays and state-recognized holidays remain protected by law as days of rest from work and spiritual uplift.

                                                       Article 141
                                                   Weimar Constitution

            1 Insofar as the need for worship and pastoral care exists in the army, hospitals, penal institutions, or other public
            institutions, religious societies shall be permitted to perform religious acts, and any coercion shall be kept away.

            2 The above Constitution is hereby executed.

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