Page 239 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 239


             effect is made not later than four weeks after the next sitting of the Landtag.

                                                       Article 114
                                                   [Right of resistance]
            Against any person who undertakes to eliminate the constitutional order, all citizens shall have the right to resist if
            no other remedy is possible.

                                                       Article 115
                                                 [Concept of the citizen]

            Citizens within the meaning of this Constitution shall be Germans as defined in Article 116(1) of the Basic Law.

                                                       Article 116

            Anyone who has been arbitrarily harmed in the territory of the present Free State of Saxony or as an inhabitant of
            this territory by National Socialist or Communist tyranny because of his political, religious or ideological convictions
            or because of his race, ancestry or nationality or because of his social position or because of his disability or
            because of his same-sex orientation or in any other way shall be entitled to reparation in accordance with the law.

                                                       Article 117
                                              [Coming to terms with the past]

            Within the scope of its possibilities, the state contributes to reducing the causes of individual and societal failures in
            the past, to mitigating the consequences of violated human dignity and to strengthening the ability to shape one's
            own life in a self-determined and responsible manner.

                                                       Article 118
                                          [Indictment of deputies and ministers]
             (1)  If there is an urgent suspicion that a member of the Landtag or state government, prior to his election or
              1.  has violated the principles of humanity or the rule of law, in particular has violated the human rights guaranteed
                 in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 19, 1966, or the fundamental rights
                 contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948; or
              2.  worked  for the former Ministry  for State  Security/Amt  for  National  Security  of  the  GDR,  and  therefore the
                 continued holding of a mandate or membership in the state government appears to be unacceptable, the
                 Landtag may request the Constitutional Court to initiate proceedings with the aim of depriving the person of
                 his or her mandate or office
             (2)  The motion to impeach must be made by at least one-third of the members of the Landtag.  The decision to
             impeach shall require a two-thirds majority, but more than half of the members of the Landtag, if at least two-thirds
             of the members are present.
             (3)  The details shall be determined by a law, which may also regulate the loss of pension entitlements.

                                                       Article 119
                               [Recruitment and continued employment in the public sector]

            1 The provisions of the Treaty on the Establishment of German Unity (Unification Treaty) shall apply to recruitment
            into and continued employment in the civil service.  Eligibility for public service is lacking for any person who
              1.  has violated the principles of humanity or the rule of law, in particular has violated the human rights guaranteed
                 in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 19, 1966, or the fundamental rights
                 contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948; or
              2.  worked for the former Ministry for State Security/Amt for National Security of the GDR, and whose
                 employment in the public sector therefore appears unacceptable.

                                                       Article 120
                                            [Continued validity of national law]

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