Page 237 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 237


                                                     [School Board]

             (1)  The entire school system is under the supervision of the Free State.
             (2)  Honorary advisory councils may be formed at school boards.
             (3)  Examinations by which a publicly recognized authorization is to be acquired must be taken before the state
             authorities responsible for this or the bodies authorized by the Free State for this purpose.

                                                       Article 104
                                              [Intra-school co-determination]
             (1)  Parents and students have the right to participate in the life and work of the school through elected
             (2)  The details shall be determined by law.

                                                       Article 105
                                             [Ethics and religious education]

             (1)  Ethics education and religious education are regular subjects in schools, with the exception of denominational
             and non-denominational schools.  Until the child reaches the age of religious majority, the legal guardians decide
             in which of these subjects their child will be taught.
             (2)  Religious education shall be provided in accordance with the principles of the churches and religious
             communities, without prejudice to the general right of supervision of the Free State.  Teachers shall be authorized
             by the churches and religious communities to teach religious education.  These have the right to supervise the
             provision of religious education in consultation with the state supervisory authority.
             (3)  No teacher shall be required to teach religious instruction against his or her will.

                                                       Article 106
                                                   [Vocational training]

            1 Vocational training takes place in practical training centers and in vocational schools.  The state promotes
            vocational education.

                                                       Article 107
                                                  [University Freedom]

             (1)  The university is free in research and teaching.
             (2)  Notwithstanding the supervision of the Free State, the university shall have the right to self-government in
             accordance with its special character within the framework of the laws and its statutes recognized by the Free
             State.  Students are also to be involved in this self-administration.
             (3)  The university participates in the appointment of the teaching staff by exercising its right of nomination.
             (4)  Universities under independent sponsorship are permitted.  The details shall be determined by law.

                                                       Article 108
                                                    [Adult Education]

             (1)  Adult education shall be encouraged.
             (2)  Adult education institutions may be maintained by independent institutions in addition to the Free State and the
             self-governing institutions.

                                                       10. Section
                                         The churches and religious communities

                                                       Article 109
                        [Importance of the Churches, Diaconal Work, Weimar Articles of the Church]

             (1)  The importance of churches and religious communities for the preservation and consolidation of the religious

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