Page 138 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 138


                        same is true regarding resources to help Welsh speakers in the workplace, opportunities to use it
                        socially, and when considering Welsh services and produce. And in the same way as any Welsh
                        resource or service, we need to enable people to make use of the digital services available.
                        In addition to ensuring that Welsh language provision is central to any significant technological
                        development, we believe there is potential for us in Wales to lead the way regarding bilingual
                        and multilingual technologies. We will look to develop an economic case for investing in
                        language technology with the aim of contributing to the growth of the digital technology sector in
                        Wales and internationally.

                        It will still be important to work in partnership with languages in similar sociolinguistic
                        situations, and take advantage of opportunities for joint innovation.

                        Our aim: ensure that the Welsh language is at the heart
                        of innovation in digital technology to enable the use of
                        Welsh in all digital contexts.

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