Page 284 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 284

           (Considerations for dispatching and the like of personnel)
          Article 26
           Other than stipulations under the preceding article, the National Government must strive
           to make considerations necessary to provide personnel assistance, such as dispatching of
           personnel and other means considered necessary, when deemed necessary for the purpose
           of appropriate and reliable implementation of operations performed by Designated
           Corporations as stipulated under Article 21.

           (Appointment and dismissal of executives)
          Article 27
           Section 1
           Appointments and dismissals of executives engaged in operations of Designated
           Corporations as stipulated under Article 21 shall not take effect without obtaining the
           approval of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of
           Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
          Section 2
           The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Education, Culture,
           Sports, Science and Technology shall have the right to order a Designated Corporation to
           dismiss an executive of such a Designated Corporation, who is engaged in operations
           stipulated under Article 21, who engages in an act that violates this law or an order based
           on this law, or a disposition implemented based on such orders, or the Management
           Operation Regulation for Facilities That Comprise Space That Symbolize Symbiosis of
           Ethnic Groups, or engages in an act that is inappropriate for the operation stipulated under
           the said article, or if such appointment causes the Designated Corporation to correspond to
           Paragraph 3 of Section 2 under Article 20.
           (Collection of reports and onsite inspections)
          Article 28
           Section 1
           The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Education, Culture,
           Sports, Science and Technology shall have the right to demand a Designated Corporation
           submit a report on their operations, as well as to cause ministerial personnel to enter into
           the office of such Designated Corporation and conduct inspections on the operating status,
           or ledgers and documents and other matters, or to have relevant personnel questioned, to
           the extent necessary to enforce this law.
          Section 2
           Ministerial personnel conducting an onsite inspection according to stipulations of the
           preceding section must carry on their person a certificate that indicates their identity and
           shall present the certificate when requested by any relevant personnel.
          Section 3
          The authority to conduct an onsite inspection as stipulated by Section 1 must not be
          interpreted as authority for the purpose of criminal investigation.
           (Supervision orders)
          Article 29
           The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Minister of Education, Culture,
           Sports, Science and Technology shall have the right to issue orders deemed necessary for

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