Page 279 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 279

           Contracts described in the preceding section shall be deemed contracts for joint use of
           forests as stipulated in Section 3 under Article 18 of the Act Concerning Utilization of
           National Forest Land, and stipulations of Chapter 5 of the said law shall apply (excluding
           Section 1 and Section 2 of the said article). In such cases, “Section 1” as referred to in
           Section 3 under the same article of this document shall be considered “Section 1 under
           Article 16 of the Act on the Promotion of Measures to Realize a Society That Will Respect
           the Pride of the Ainu (Law No. 16 of 2019)” and “municipalities” shall be considered
           “Certified Municipalities (certified municipalities stipulated in Section 1 under Article 12
           of the same law; same applies hereinafter).” “Municipalities” referred to in the same
           section of the same document, as well as in Section 5 under Article 19 of the same law,
           Section 1 under Article 22 and Article 24 shall be considered “Certified Municipalities”,
           and “Section 1” as referred to in Section 4 under Article 18 of the same law as well as
           “Article 18” as referred to in Section 2 under Article 21 of the same law shall be
           considered “Section 1 under Article 16 of the Act on the Promotion of Measures to
           Realize a Society That Will Respect the Pride of the Ainu”.
           (Consideration for permissions based on the Fishery Act and Act on the Protection of
           Fishery Resources)
          Article 17
           The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Prefectural Governor shall make
           appropriate considerations to ensure that the relevant Inland Water Salmon Capturing
           Projects described in the Certified Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan can be conducted
           smoothly when permission is required from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
           Fisheries or a Prefecture for the purpose of Inland Water Salmon Capturing Projects
           according to regulations set forth by Section 1 or Section 2 under Article 119 of the
           Fishery Act and Section 1 under Article 4 of Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources
           (Law No. 313 of 1951).
           (Special provisions of Trademark Law)
          Article 18
           Section 1
           Stipulations provided in the next section through Section 6 shall apply to relevant Projects
           for Developing Demands for Products, etc., which are described in the Certified Ainu
           Policy Promotion Regional Plan for a period limited only to the implementation period of

           such projects (hereinafter referred to simply as the “Implementation Period” in the next
           section and Section 3).
          Section 2
           In relation to the trademark registration of products or services associated with a Project
           for Developing Demands for Products, etc., (trademark registration for regional
           organization trademarks as stipulated by Section 1 of Part 2 under Article 7 of the
           Trademark Law (Law No. 127 of 1959); the same applies hereinafter in this section and
           the next section), the Director General of the Patent Office shall have the right to reduce or
           waive fees for such registration (limited to instances where a trademark registration for a
           regional organization trademark is received during the implementation period, or an
           application is made for a renewed registration for the remaining period of the trademark
           right associated with the trademark registration of the regional organization trademark
           conducted during the implementation period) as stipulated by a Cabinet order, if the entity

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