Page 283 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 283

          Article 23
           Section 1
           A Designated Corporation must prepare a business plan and a budget statement for each
           fiscal year as well as receive an approval from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and
           Transport and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, prior
           to the commencement of the relevant fiscal year (in the event the fiscal year in which the
           designation is given according to stipulations of Section 1 under Article 20, such
           submission must be made without delay after receiving such designation). The same shall
           apply for changes made.
          Section 2
           A Designated Corporation must prepare an annual report and a financial statement each
           fiscal year and submit them to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the
           Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, within three months after
           the completion of the relevant fiscal year.
           (Separate accounting)
          Article 24
           A Designated Corporation must organize and maintain accounts pertaining to the
           management operation of the Facilities That Comprise Space That Symbolize Symbiosis
           of Ethnic Groups as well as accounts other than the management operation of the Facilities
           That Comprise Space That Symbolize Symbiosis of Ethnic Groups separately according to
           stipulations of the ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the
           Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
           (Special provisions for personnel dispatched by National Government)
          Article 25
           Section 1
           The retirement allowance aggregation eligible corporation described by Section 3 Part 2
           under Article 106 of the National Public Service Act (Law No. 120 of 1947) shall apply to
           Designated Corporations.
          Section 2

           In the event a personnel dispatched by National Government (an individual who is
           classified as a regular service personnel as stipulated under Article 2 of the National
           Public Service Act (excluding individuals that are not required to engage in regular duties
           and are limited to duties stipulated under Article 21; same applies hereinafter) resigns and
           continues with employment as personnel at a Designated Corporation and remains
           employed as a personnel at the Designated Corporation; the same applies hereinafter in the
           next section as well) shall be considered a government finance company personnel
           stipulated in Section 1 Part 2 under Article 7 of the National Government Employees, etc.
           Retirement Allowance Act (Act No. 182 of 1953) for the purpose of applying Section 2
           Article 7 as well as Section 3 Article 20 of the same law.
          Section 3
           A Designated Corporation or a personnel dispatched by the National Government shall be
           respectively considered a government finance company and government finance company
           employee for the purpose of applying stipulations in Section 2 under Article 124 of the
           Law Concerning Mutual Aid Association for National Public Officials (Law No. 128 of

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