Page 89 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 89


                        Projection and trajectory to a million

                        Chart 2 below shows two potential pathways for the number of Welsh speakers aged three and over in
                        Wales between 2017 and 2050.

                        •   Projection: based on continuing the trends seen in the 2011 Census
                           for Welsh speakers and demographic trends, no policy change.

                        •   Trajectory to 1 million:  based on policy changes that will be
                           required to fulfil the vision outlined in this strategy.

                        Chart 2: Projection and trajectory of the number of Welsh speakers
                        aged three and over, 2011–2050



                         Number of Welsh speakers aged 3 and over   400,000

                               800,000                             Trajectory

                               600,000                                                     Projection



                                                                       Year    2035     2040    2045     2050
                        The projection
                        The lower line offers projections of the number of Welsh speakers, based on population
                        projections and 2011 Census data. We consider the census to be the authoritative source on the
                        number of Welsh speakers in Wales and it is the basis for our aspiration of a million Welsh
                        speakers. However the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have embarked on a Census
                        Transformation Programme with a view of the 2021 Census being the last of its kind. Welsh
                        Government will continue to use our close relationship with ONS to participate in this work with
                        one of our priorities being to maintain a robust and solid statistical base in relation to the Welsh

                        The projection is based on a scenario where the policy landscape for the Welsh language and
                        Welsh in education stays consistent with the current situation.

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