Page 86 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 86


                        In the context of acquiring, using and sharing Welsh with others, this entails purposeful planning
                        in order to ensure that the best possible conditions are in place to:
                        •   support speakers as they begin to develop their linguistic skills – at
                           home, through the education system or later in life

                        •   facilitating their ability and their readiness to continue to use Welsh,
                           with their families, in their communities and social networks, with
                           their colleagues and in accessing services
                        •   identifying the circumstances and factors most likely to weaken
                           their contact with the language or diminish their readiness to use it
                        •   equip speakers to make decisions that will support their use of
                           Welsh in future.

                        The challenge for us as a Government is to gain a better understanding of the way in which people
                        use the language, influence the decisions they make at key points in their lives (for example when
                        moving from education to the workplace, or becoming parents for the first time), and facilitate
                        situations and spaces which make it easier for people to use the language.

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