Page 47 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 47

CHAPTER VI. INSTITUTIONAL STIMULUS                                                                   60
             ARTICLE 37                                                                                         60
             ARTICLE 38                                                                                         60
             ARTICLE 39                                                                                         60
           ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS                                                                                60

             ONE                                                                                                61
             TWO                                                                                                61
             THREE                                                                                              61
             FOUR                                                                                               61
             FIVE                                                                                               61
             SIX                                                                                                61
             SEVEN                                                                                              62
             EIGHT                                                                                              62
             NINE                                                                                               62
           TRANSITORY PROVISIONS                                                                                62
             ONE                                                                                                62
             TWO                                                                                                62
             THREE                                                                                              63

           FINAL PROVISIONS                                                                                     63
             ONE                                                                                                63
             TWO                                                                                                63
             THREE                                                                                              63


           I. The meaningfulness and situation of the Catalan


           The Catalan language is an essential element in the national formation and character of Catalonia, a basic
           instrument for communication, integration and social cohesion of citizens, regardless of their geographic origin,
           and a privileged link between Catalonia and the other Catalan-speaking areas, with which it forms a linguistic
           community which has made a valuable contribution, in its original way, to universal culture over the centuries.
           Furthermore, it has borne witness to the loyalty of the Catalan people towards their land and their specific
           Developed originally within the territory of Catalonia, shared with other areas - where people and even laws
           have given it different names - it has always been the language of the country and as such it has been
           negatively affected by certain events in the history of Catalonia which have placed it in a precarious situation.
           This situation has arisen due to various factors, such as the political persecution it has suffered and the legal
           imposition of for more than two and a half centuries; the political and socio-economic circumstances in which
           the demographic changes took place in recent decades and, moreover, the restricted scope that the language
           has, similar to that of other official languages of Europe, especially in the world of today, where communication,
           information and the cultural industries are moving towards globalisation.
           Thus, as a result of all these circumstances the present sociolinguistic situation of Catalonia is very complex.
           The situation of a people's language which has not achieved fully normal use and has a relatively small
           number of speakers in the international context coincides with the fact that the mother tongue of many citizens
           in the territory of Catalonia is Castilian, which they prefer to speak, and thanks to which they have often
           contributed significantly to enriching Catalan culture itself, a contribution which has similarly been made by
           citizens whose mother tongue is another language. This situation therefore requires a language policy which
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