Page 201 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 201

2022/4/28  下午 4:50    Gesetz über die Ausgestaltung der Rechte der Sorben/Wenden im Land Brandenburg (Sorben/Wenden-Gesetz - SWG)
        programming of public service media.

        (2) The state of Brandenburg works towards ensuring that the Sorbian/Wendish culture and
        language are also taken into account in private media.

                                                            § 13
                                                  Transnational cooperation

        The state of Brandenburg promotes cultural exchange between the Sorbs/Wends of Lower and
        Upper Lusatia. To this end, it works closely with the Free State of Saxony. This concerns above all

        the promotion of the transnational activity of institutions for the care and research of the language,
        culture and history of the Sorbs/Wends as well as institutions with Sorbian/Wendish educational
        offers. The state includes the Sorbian/Wendish associations and institutions in its cooperation with

        other states and countries.

                                                            § 13a


        The state shall grant financial compensation to municipalities and associations of municipalities in
        the ancestral settlement area for the increased expenses associated with the application of this Act.

        Reimbursed are

           1. the expenses arising from the appointment of full-time commissioners for Sorbs/Wends affairs
              (Section 6(1));

           2. the administrative expenses arising from the use of the Lower Sorbian language (§ 8);

           3. the cost of bilingual inscription of public buildings and facilities, roads, paths, squares, bridges
              and place-name signs (§ 11).

        The reimbursement of funds pursuant to sentences 1 and 2 shall be earmarked for the performance
        of tasks in application of this Act. The compensation is measured according to the additional effort.

                                                            § 13b

                                                  Ordinance Authorization

        (1) The member of the Land Government responsible for the Interior shall be authorized, in

        consultation with the committee of the Landtag responsible for the Interior and the Council for
        Sorbs/Wends Affairs, to regulate by ordinance the details of the implementation of § 8.

        (2) The member of the Land government responsible for schools and day-care centers is
        authorized, in consultation with the Landtag committee responsible for schools and day-care centers
        and the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs, to regulate the details of § 10 by statutory order.

        (3) The member of the state government responsible for transport is authorized to regulate the
        details of § 11 by statutory order in consultation with the committee of the Landtag responsible for

        transport and the Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs.
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