Page 200 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 200

2022/4/28  下午 4:50    Gesetz über die Ausgestaltung der Rechte der Sorben/Wenden im Land Brandenburg (Sorben/Wenden-Gesetz - SWG)
        be given the opportunity to learn the Lower Sorbian language. The sponsors of day-care centers

        and schools in the ancestral settlement area are obliged to inform parents as well as pupils in time
        about the possibilities to learn and maintain the Lower Sorbian language.

        (2) In the day care centers and schools in the ancestral settlement area, Sorbian/Wendish history
        and culture are to be included in the play design and educational work in an age-appropriate

        (3) In cooperation with the Free State of Saxony, the state shall promote the qualification of
        teachers in the Lower Sorbian language and for bilingual instruction within the framework of teacher
        training in order to achieve the educational goals set forth in paragraph 1. Appropriate practical
        language and didactic training as well as knowledge of Lower Sorbian/Wendish in the fields of

        linguistics, literature, history and cultural studies must be ensured.

        (4) For educators in daycare centers, the state promotes education, training and continuing

        education in the Lower Sorbian language.

        (5) The state ensures the teaching of knowledge of Sorbian/Wendish history and culture as part of

        the education, training and continuing education of educators and teachers. It advertises the
        aforementioned education, training and continuing education programs.

        (6) At schools with Lower Sorbian as the language of instruction, teachers who are proficient in the
        Lower Sorbian language should be employed.

        (7) The preservation and maintenance of the Sorbian/Wendish language and culture is promoted
        through offers in further education for adults.

        (8) In the traditional settlement area, the state works to ensure that the interests of the Sorbs/Wends
        and the acquisition of Lower Sorbian language skills are appropriately taken into account in the
        training and further education offered to public administration employees, and advertises these

                                                            § 11
                                     Bilingual inscription in the ancestral settlement area

        (1) Public buildings and facilities, streets, roads, squares, bridges and place-name signs in the

        ancestral settlement area as well as signs pointing to them shall be marked in German and Lower

        (2) The state of Brandenburg works towards ensuring that other buildings in the ancestral settlement
        area are also labeled in German and Lower Sorbian, insofar as they have significance for the public.

                                                            § 12

        (1) Sorbian/Wendish culture and language are to be given appropriate consideration in the

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