Page 95 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 95


                     Three strategic themes

                        This section provides a summary of the three strategic themes underpinning our plans to
                        achieve our vision, along with the aims under those themes.
                        As already noted, there is a close link between language acquisition and efforts to increase the
                        number of Welsh speakers on the one hand, and efforts to embed linguistic practices and
                        increasing use of the Welsh language on the other. In order to give context to enable that to happen,
                        we need to create favourable conditions in terms of infrastructure and context.
                        The three themes are interdependent, as are many of the aims identified under each theme. For
                        example, increasing the number of children receiving Welsh-medium education in isolation of
                        providing opportunities and a context for them to use their acquired skills will not be sufficient to
                        meeting our goal.

                        In implementing the strategy, therefore, many of our interventions will contribute to more than one
                        aim, and span more than one theme.

                         Theme 1:                                             Theme  2:
                         Increasing the                                       Increasing the use
                         number of Welsh                                      of Welsh


                          Theme 3:
                          Creating favourable conditions – infrastructure and context

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