Page 80 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 80


                        How we will put the strategy into action

                        In order to realise our vision, we will:
                        •   provide strong leadership, and use our influence for the benefit of
                           the language
                        •   provide financial support to promote and facilitate the use of Welsh

                        •   legislate to provide a strong infrastructure for the language
                        •   lead by example in our use of and approach towards the Welsh

                        The successful implementation of the strategy will require an appropriate balance between efforts to
                        promote and facilitate the use of Welsh in a positive and inclusive manner, a drive to improve
                        systematic planning of Welsh-language provision, and a robust regulatory framework.

                        We will publish work programmes at regular intervals which will detail what action is required to
                        achieve our goal. The first of these work programmes for 2017–21 is published alongside this

                        We will continuously monitor and evaluate the implementation of this strategy to ensure that
                        the transformational changes required are delivered. Indicators 36 and 37 of the National
                        Indicators for Wales
                        will be used to track progress against the national well-being goal and towards the two overarching
                        targets of this strategy. The indicators are as follows:
                        •   Well-being indicator 36: Percentage of people who speak Welsh
                           daily and can speak more than just a few words of Welsh.

                        •   Well-being indicator 37: Percentage of people who can speak Welsh.

                        As we implement this strategy, we will follow some basic principles. These are outlined over the
                        next pages.

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