Page 79 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 79
Achieving our targets
To achieve our targets, we will drive the following transformational changes. Successful
implementation will be dependent on a number of organisations working together.
• Make rapid progress to expand Welsh-medium early years
provision by 150 nursery groups over the next decade
to facilitate a seamless transition into Welsh-medium
• Increase the proportion of each school year group receiving
Welsh-medium education from 22 per cent (based on 7,700
seven-year-old learners in 2015/16) to 30 per cent (about
10,500 in each year group) by 2031, and then 40 per cent
(about 14,000 in each year group) by 2050.
• Transform how we teach Welsh to all learners in order that at least 70
per cent of those learners report by 2050 that they can speak Welsh by
the time they leave school.
• Increase the number of primary teachers who can teach
in Welsh from 2,900 to 3,900 by 2031 and 5,200 by 2050;
increase the number of secondary teachers who can teach
Welsh from 500 to 900 by 2031 and 1,200 by 2050; and
increase the number of secondary teachers who can teach
through the medium of Welsh from 1,800 to 3,200 by 2031
and 4,200 by 2050.
• Reform the post-16 Welsh-medium and bilingual education and skills
offer to ensure that young people have the opportunity to continue
developing bilingual skills to support a prosperous economy.
• Review the legislation which underpins the Welsh language
to ensure it offers a strong foundation for promoting and
facilitating the use of Welsh.
• Ensure that Welsh Government leads by example by promoting
and facilitating increased use of Welsh by our own workforce.
• Develop a new regional focus to economic development
to help all parts of Wales to benefit from prosperity and
support each area to develop its own distinctive identity.
• Transform the Welsh language digital landscape with
particular focus on language technologies.
• Develop a national programme to increase understanding of