Page 220 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 220


                                                         Article 5
                                                 [State people, minorities]

             (1)  The people of the Free State of Saxony include citizens of German, Sorbian and other ethnic origin.  The
             country recognizes the right to the homeland.
             (2)  The state guarantees and protects the right of national and ethnic minorities of German nationality to preserve
             their identity and to cultivate their language, religion, culture and tradition.
             (3)  The people of the Free State of Saxony include citizens of German, Sorbian and other ethnic origin.

                                                         Article 6

             (1)  Citizens of Sorbian ethnicity living in the country are an equal part of the state people.  The country
             guarantees and protects the right to preserve their identity and to maintain and develop their ancestral language,
             culture and tradition, especially through schools, pre-school and cultural institutions.
             (2)  The life needs of the Sorbian people are to be taken into account in state and local planning.  The German-
             Sorbian character of the settlement area of the Sorbian ethnic group is to be preserved.
             (3)  The cross-state cooperation of the Sorbs, especially in Upper and Lower Lusatia, is in the interest of the

                                                         Article 7
                                          [Human Dignity as a Goal of the State]

             (1)  The country recognizes the right of every person to a dignified existence, in particular to work, to adequate
             housing, to adequate subsistence, to social security and to education, as a state objective.
             (2)  The country is committed to the community's obligation to support the elderly and disabled and to work
             towards equalizing their living conditions.

                                                         Article 8
                                               [Promoting gender equality]

            The promotion of legal and actual equality between women and men is the responsibility of the state.

                                                         Article 9
                                               [Child and Youth Protection]

             (1)  The country recognizes the right of every child to healthy spiritual, mental and physical development.
             (2)  Youth shall be specially protected from moral, mental and physical danger.
             (3)  The state promotes preventive health protection for children and adolescents as well as facilities to care for

                                                        Article 10
                                             [Protection of natural resources]

             (1)  The protection of the environment as the basis of life is, also in responsibility for future generations, the duty
             of the country and the obligation of all in the country.  In particular, the state must protect the soil, air and water,
             animals and plants, as well as the landscape as a whole, including its established settlement areas.  It shall work
             towards the economical use and recovery of raw materials and the economical use of energy and water.
             (2)  Recognized nature conservation associations have the right to participate in environmentally significant
             administrative proceedings in accordance with the law.  They shall be granted legal standing in environmental
             matters; more detailed provisions shall be laid down by law.
             (3)  The state recognizes the right to enjoy natural beauty and recreation in the great outdoors, to the extent that
             this does not conflict with the objectives under paragraph 1.  The general public shall be given access to
             mountains, forests, fields, lakes and rivers within this framework.

                                                        Article 11
                                       [Promotion of culture, art, science and sports]

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