Page 145 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 145


                        information about speakers’ Welsh language use and will explore ways of doing this through Welsh
                        Language Use Surveys.

                        The original evaluation framework provided an attempt to ensure that our research and
                        evaluation methods reflected our understanding of the dynamics of language behaviour and the
                        sociology of language. We will continue to refine and develop this understanding.

                        Meeting this aim requires collaboration with a number of agencies and institutions, with the
                        higher education sector playing a key role. We acknowledge that we still need to develop
                        capacity and expertise to conduct research on the Welsh language and through the medium of
                        Welsh. Through working in partnership, and encouraging other institutions to benefit from
                        opportunities to strengthen research infrastructure, we aim to contribute towards raising the
                        experts and researchers of the future.

                        As a Government, we have an important contribution to make in terms of promoting
                        understanding of the relationship between evidence and effective policy development. We will
                        build on our work highlighting this connection, encouraging our partners and policymakers to
                        become informed and enquiring users of research.

                        Our aim: continue to build on our evidence about the
                        Welsh language and its speakers, as a basis for assessing
                        the effectiveness of our interventions and developing
                        Welsh language policy.

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