Page 146 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 146



                        Throughout this strategy we have emphasised the long-term approach required to achieve our vision
                        of a million Welsh speakers by 2050.
                        We are under no illusion that we have set ourselves a considerable challenge, but with a
                        mindset of ambition, will and resolve, we are determined to achieve what we have set out to
                        By ensuring the right balance of planning and focused investment, we are confident that small
                        but significant gains can be made which will bear fruit as we progress along our journey to 2050.

                        We understand that the early success of this strategy begins with us as a Government. We
                        need to be consistent in our approach to our planning, investment and marketing across the
                        breadth of our
                        activities so that we fully capitalise on the benefits the Welsh language brings to our society and
                        Even so, a Government alone cannot be responsible for the future of the Welsh language. This
                        Welsh language belongs to every single citizen of Wales and what we as individuals choose
                        to do with our piece of living heritage is ultimately up to us. Our responsibility as a
                        Government is to ensure that when that choice is made it is made
                        without being influenced by experiences that prevent individuals from being able to see, hear and
                        use the language during their daily lives.

                        What a Government strategy cannot do is force individuals to use the language. For the
                        language to truly flourish, we are counting on each and every one of us to embrace the idea of a
                        bilingual Wales,
                        We have sought the advice and opinions of organisations, groups and individuals in bringing this
                        strategy together, we hope now that we are able to each play our part in making it work.

                        We will continually monitor and evaluate implementation of the strategy. Although our vision
                        is a long-term one, we recognise that unforeseen events may influence our projections for the
                        well-being of the language in the future. To mitigate such circumstances, we need to be ready
                        and willing to be adaptable. This will enable us to respond swiftly to strategic changes without
                        steering from the main objectives outlined within the strategy. Being able to improve and build
                        upon how we implement change can only strengthen our aim of realising the vision of a million
                        Welsh speakers by 2050.

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