Page 103 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 103
availability of Welsh-medium childcare suggests that there are gaps in the provision in some parts
of Wales, and also that there is variation in the methods used to assess demand for Welsh-medium
provision (Save the Children 2015; Welsh Government 2016a; Welsh Government 2016b; Welsh
Government 2017a)
Embedding the goal to expand Welsh-medium early years provision, as well as ensuring a greater
understanding of the range of programmes targeted at disadvantaged children, families and
communities can make a vital contribution to the tackling poverty agenda, and ensure all
children across Wales, regardless of their background or where they live, have the opportunity to
become confident Welsh speakers.
We will look to make rapid progress by expanding Welsh-medium early years provision by 150
nursery groups over the next decade to facilitate a seamless transition into Welsh-medium
Our aim: expand Welsh-medium provision in the early
years as an access point for Welsh-medium education.