Page 108 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 108


                        more workplaces are able to offer opportunities in Welsh; and ensuring strong leadership within the
                        organisations to achieve the necessary change.

                        To underpin these efforts, young people will need to be aware of the benefits of continuing to
                        develop their Welsh language skills in preparation for the workplace and the importance of using the
                        language regularly to maintain fluency and confidence.

                        Welsh for Adults

                        The Welsh for Adults sector has an important contribution to make to our aim of achieving a
                        million Welsh speakers. It will do so by enabling adults of all ages and abilities to improve their
                        skills, resume their study of Welsh or learn afresh to give them the confidence to be able to use
                        Welsh in the workplace, socially or within the family.

                        During recent years there have been structural changes in the sector. There is now an opportunity to
                        develop provision at a national level to support courses for the workplace, the family, and
                        opportunities to use technology more effectively in support of learning.

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