Page 102 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 102
2. The early years
The long-term aim for our early years provision is to reach a position where children under five
have had sufficient contact with the Welsh language to be able to start on their journey towards
Over the last four decades the voluntary sector, under the auspices of Mudiad Meithrin, has
sustained Welsh-language nursery care, developing opportunities for children throughout
Wales to receive Welsh-medium early years care and services.
By formalising early years’ care and services and mainstreaming the Welsh language, there is an
opportunity to maintain and strengthen the role of the Welsh-medium sector in future, as well
as ensure children in settings across the early years sector can further develop their Welsh
language skills, in order to expand opportunities for future generations.
Along with developing the use of Welsh across the sector and significantly increasing the
capacity in Welsh-medium early years provision, we must also ensure parents/carers and
prospective parents understand the range of provision available to enable them to make an
informed choice about their child’s future. Evidence on the