Page 69 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 69

Ministers’  foreword

                        A million Welsh speakers by 2050

                        The Welsh language is one of the treasures of Wales. It is part of what defines us as people
                        and as a nation. Our ambition as Welsh Government is to see the number of people able to
                        enjoy speaking
                        and using Welsh reach a million by 2050. This is certainly a challenging ambition, but a challenge
                        we believe is worthwhile and necessary if we are to secure the vitality of the language for future
                        The starting point for this strategy marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first Welsh Language Act in
                        1967. We now live in different times and the status of Welsh is enshrined in legislation made in

                        The 2011 Census results presented us with an opportunity to have frank conversations and re-
                        evaluate the future that we want to see for the language. Things need to change. We need to
                        renew our energy, be systematic in our approach to planning, and improve collaboration in order
                        to secure the legacy our language deserves.
                        We are very clear that it is our responsibility as a Government to set the direction and provide
                        leadership for this work. This Government has the will and the commitment to do so. But it is
                        also vital that we as a nation take ownership of the challenge. Government cannot insist that
                        parents and carers use the Welsh language with their children, that children play together in
                        Welsh or that someone uses Welsh socially.
                        We can, however, work to provide the conditions to facilitate an increase in the number of
                        Welsh speakers and an increase in the use of Welsh.

                        Education is central to our vision, but we must ensure our young people come out of the
                        education system ready and proud to use the language in all contexts. Without a doubt, digital
                        technologies will be central to the vision within education, helping workplaces become bilingual
                        and supporting social use.

                        The overarching message in this document is that we need to reach a position where the
                        Welsh language is an integral element of all aspects of everyday life. If we want to achieve
                        this, the whole nation has to be part of the journey – fluent Welsh speakers, Welsh speakers
                        who are reluctant to use the language, new speakers who have learned

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