Page 271 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 271

          Law No. 16 of 2019
               Act on the Promotion of Measures to Realize Societal Respect for Ainu Pride

           Chapter 1: General Rules (Article 1 to Article 6)
           Chapter 2: Basic Policy, etc. (Article 7 and Article 8)
           Chapter 3: Provisions Concerning Management of Facilities That Comprise Space
           Symbolizing Symbiosis of Ethnic Groups (Article 9)
           Chapter 4: Certification of Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan, etc. (Article 10 to
           Article 14)
           Chapter 5: Special Provisions for Projects Based on Regionally Certified Ainu Policy
           Promotion Plans (Article 15 to Article 19)
           Chapter 6: Designated Corporations (Article 20 to Article 31)
           Chapter 7: Ainu Policy Promotion Headquarters (Article 32 to Article 41)
           Chapter 8: Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 42 to Article 45)
           Supplementary Provisions
               Chapter 1: General Rules
          Article 1
           In view of circumstances surrounding traditions of Ainu people as well as the Ainu culture
           (hereinafter referred to as the “Ainu traditions”), which are sources of pride for the Ainu,
           indigenous people in the northern region of the Japanese islands, in particular among those
           that reside in Hokkaido, as well as in light of international situations regarding indigenous
           peoples in the recent years, this law aims to formulate basic principles regarding the
           promotion of Ainu policies, responsibilities of the National Government and the like, as
           well as basic policies of the government, and to establish provisions pertaining to the
           management of the facilities that comprise space that symbolize symbiosis of ethnic
           groups, preparation of Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan by municipalities (including
           special wards; same applies hereinafter), along with certification of the same by the Prime
           Minister. Additionally, this law shall facilitate realization of a society wherein all citizens
           live in symbiosis by mutually respecting the character and individuality of one other, by
           achieving a society wherein the Ainu can live with pride about their ethnicity and such
           pride is honored, by stipulating the establishment and the like of the Ainu Policy
           Promotion Headquarters, which is a special installation for projects that are based on the
           Ainu Policy Promotion Regional Plan, which has been given such certification.

          Article 2
           Section 1. The “Ainu culture” as referred to by this law shall consist of the Ainu language,
           lifestyle, music, dance, arts, and crafts, as well as other cultural products and derivative
           cultural products that have been passed on among the Ainu people.
          Section 2.
           The “Ainu Policy” as referred to by this law shall consist of provisions for the promotion
           of the Ainu culture, dissemination and awareness raising of traditions and the like of the
           Ainu (hereinafter referred to as the “promotion of Ainu culture, etc.”), as well as
           preparation of an environment that contributes to the promotion of the Ainu culture to

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