Page 194 - 《客語及少數族群語言政策》附錄_少數語言法律
P. 194

2022/4/28 PM4:50      Law on the arrangement of the Rights of the Sorbs/Wends in the State of Brandenburg (Sorbs/Wends Law - SWG)
        Law on the arrangement of the Rights of the Sorbs/Wends in the State of Brandenburg
        (Sorbs/Wends Law - SWG)
        of July 7, 1994 (GVBl.I/94, [No. 21], p.294).

        last amended by Article 2 of the Act of October 15, 2018 (GVBl.I/18, [No. 23]).

                                          Table of contents

        P räambel
        § 1 Right to national identity
        § 2 Sorbian/Wendish ethnicity
        § 3 Ancestral settlement area of the Sorbs/Wends
        § 4 Sorbian/Wendish flag

        § 4a Umbrella organizations of Sorbian/Wendish associations and societies - right of association

        § 5 Council for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the Landtag
        § 5a Commissioner or Representative for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the L andesregierung
        § 5b Report of the state government
        § 6 Commissioner for Sorbs/Wends Affairs at the Municipalities

        § 7 Culture
        § 8 Language
        § 9 Research and teaching
        § 10 Education

        § 11 Bilingual inscription in the ancestral settlement area
        § 12 Media
        § 13 Transnational cooperation
        § 13a Reimbursement

        § 13b Ordinance Authorization
        § 13c Transitional provision
        § 14 Proclamation

        A nlage Municipalities and parts of municipalities in the ancestral settlement area of the
        On    theeffective date of the Act


        In recognition of the will of the Sorbs/Wends, who have been indigenous to Lusatia in particular for
        centuries and have preserved their languages and culture throughout history and into the present

        day despite various attempts at assimilation, to preserve and strengthen their national identity in the

              in the knowledge of the unity of the Sorbian/Wendish people, whose ancestral settlement area
              is located in the state of Brandenburg and the Free State of Saxony,

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