第六卷 第一期


1 河婆客家話元音的聲學特性/AAn Acoustic Study of Hepo Hakka Vowels

聲學;元音特性;河婆家話;Praat; acoustic phonetics; vowel properties; Hepo Hakka; Praat

鍾榮富(Raung-fu Chung) 全文下載

2 土地族群與經濟活動中港溪與後龍溪流域的客家經濟特色/Land, Ethnicity and Economic Activities: Hakkas economic characters in Zhong Gang and Hou Long Basin

客家;中港溪;後龍溪;產業經濟;Zhong Gang River; Hou Long River; hakka economic activities; annals school

張維安 張志宇(Wei-An Chang , Zhi-Yu Chang) 全文下載

3 北埔與峨眉茶產體制之比較/The Tea Production Regime of Beipu and Emei

歷史比較研究;茶產體制;茶工; historical comparative method; tea production regime; tea workers

潘美玲(Mei-Lin Pan) 全文下載

研究紀要Research Note


1台灣桃竹苗客家人的石頭崇拜–石爺_石哀/The stone-worship of Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli Hakkas in Taiwan: Shiye and Shiai

客家;石頭崇拜;石爺;石哀;石頭公; hakka ; stone-worship; shiye (石爺, stone father); shiai or shimu (石 母, stone mother); lord stone (石頭公)

戴國焜(Kuo-Ken Tai) 全文下載


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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA