

本文希望從地理環境與行動者的互動角度來思考苗栗中港溪與後龍溪流域的 產業特色。以地理環境為舞台,來瞭解不同階段的人群分佈、生計特色,通過道路 橋樑所編織的交通條件來觀察其發展與限制。地區產業特色是環境的產物,因為「可 能性」與「限制性」最終歸諸於人類的種種活動。簡單來說,自然環境對產業有影 響,但重要的是人類與自然互動後所帶來的產業發展,加上該地的人群分佈與活 動,便可見到所謂「具族群特色」的產業了。在這個架構下,本文將討論:(1)兩 流域內的地理環境,即本文所要搭建的舞台;(2)在這舞台上的演出者及其出場時 間與地點;(3)說明這些演出者在舞台上的演出,即人們與自然環境的互動過程及 其開創出的產業。

With analytic framework from the Annals School, this paper tries to describe the characteristics of Hakka economic activities in the Zhong Gang and Hou Long Basins in Miao-Li County. Hakkanese immigrated to these two basins since three hundred years ago, and based on the interactions among the special geographic environment, Hakkanese culture and the government policy, the characteristics of economic activities were different from time to time. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the emergent process of different economic activities in different periods. The Hakkanese played a crucial role under constrains of natural and government conditions; therefore, the analysis of the possibility and impossibility of Hakka economic activities in this area will focus on the interactions among land, people and policy. Based on this analytic framework, the whole paper will be divided into three parts. First, it will describe the characteristics of the geographic condition in these two basins, which is a platform for Hakka actors. Second, it will analyze the program’s schedule by the Hakka actors indifferent periods. Last, it will analyze the emergent process of the Hakka economic activities characteristics and its limitations under the interactions among land, people and policy.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA